A domain name reseller account will be the ideal addition to a virtual or a dedicated server purchased with the idea to launch a hosting company of your own. This enables you to supply domain names and web hosting plans, i.e. everything that clients would need to start their web presence. Most billing platforms for resellers have the option to create a domain reseller account with a few clicks or by using a plug-in, which means that the whole process is automated - from the order procedure on your website, to the domain and hosting account activation. When you have a domain reseller account, your business will be more attractive to clients and you will have additional control over the domains they register, which means that you will be able to respond to support requests more efficiently and a lot quicker. Furthermore, a domain name costs less in case it's purchased through a reseller account with a registrar company, therefore you'll be able to supply more competitive prices to all your clients.
Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in VPS Web Hosting
We provide a cost-free domain reseller account for all of the VPS web hosting packages acquired with the cPanel web hosting Control Panel, so you'll have everything you will need to start your own hosting reseller business and will be able to offer both hosting space and domains to your customers. Your account is made with eNom, among the top registrars out there. They support tens of generic and country-code domain name extensions, that you'll also be able to offer to your clients. You will be able to take full advantage of the fact that your account will be a part of ours, as a domain name registration or a renewal will cost considerably less. We'll create the account absolutely free and you can easily integrate it with almost any billing platform which you intend to use, such as the ClientExec platform, that we supply free of charge with all cPanel-based VPS plans as well.
Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in Dedicated Servers Hosting
Every single dedicated server which is bought with cPanel includes a few free gifts and one of them is a domain reseller account with eNom, one of the major providers on the market. They supply over one hundred generic and country-code extensions, that shall make it a lot easier for you to find clients from all over the world and to offer them hosting plans and domain names in one place. We shall set up your account under our own account and this has two advantages - you shall not be required to pay any deposits at any time and the costs which you'll see and pay would be the most affordable, because we're using eNom's top reseller plan. Due to the fact that they are among the leading providers, there're plug-ins for every single billing solution around, so you'll be able to use WHMCS, ClientExec or any other software to charge your customers.