Even though the web hosting service offered by the different companies is de facto identical, each provider has got a customized platform with its own modifications and ways to accomplish specific procedures. This is why, an information-crammed knowledge base would be unbelievably helpful both for persons with little or no experience and for technically experienced individuals who will ultimately learn how particular procedures are done, but will lose time meanwhile. The aim of such a knowledge base is to help make the service fast and easy to use, saving users time and efforts. The result is more content clients, as they can quickly find the info they need, and a whole lot less work for the tech support staff members, because usually most of the enquiries and issues that customers have are already included in the knowledge base. Provided that the articles themselves are adequately written and cover more topics, you will be able to find out more not only about your account, but also about the hosting service in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Hosting
If you order a cloud hosting plan from us, you’ll acquire access to our detailed online help documentation where you will see information on just about everything associated with our web hosting solutions. The topics encompass anything from how to set up an e-mail address on your cell phone, to how to do various things using an .htaccess configuration file. The articles themselves are written in an easy-to-understand way and include step-by-step guides on how to complete a particular task inside your Hepsia Control Panel. You can also find info that is not connected directly with Hepsia, for example one that concerns software apps on your desktop computer. The complete archive of articles will be located in the Help section of the Control Panel, but those that are dedicated to a certain Control Panel section can be accessed on the spot. Since we have covered as many topics as possible, you’ll be able to discover de facto everything about your web hosting account.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Help section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with our Linux semi-dedicated hosting, will allow you to access the thorough online help documentation that we’ve compiled for you. The articles themselves feature general info about our web hosting services, educational tutorials about the various features that you can access, along with troubleshooting instructions that can help you correct common issues that you could bump into. The topics that we’ve included cover basically everything, from uncomplicated things such as how to host a brand-new domain name in your account, to more complex ones such as which SSH commands can be executed on the semi-dedicated servers. Relevant articles about the features of a particular section of the Control Panel will always be available on the right-hand side of the page that you are on, while the whole article list is accessible through the all-inclusive Help section.