There are several ways to contact the hosting company whose services you are using, but the one that you’ll always find no matter which company you select is a trouble ticket system. It is the least complicated means of communication for several reasons. In case no customer service staff representative is available at the moment and they are all occupied, a telephone call may not be answered, but a ticket will invariably be received. Besides, you can copy ‘n’ paste extensive pieces of information without needing to worry about typing mistakes, and in case a certain problem requires more time to be resolved or a number of responses have to be exchanged, all the information will be in one place, so each party can always see the comments supplied by the other one. The negative aspect of using tickets to contact your web hosting provider is that they are typically separate from the hosting platform, so if you have to provide info or to follow guidelines, you’ll need to use no less than 2 different accounts and this number may grow in case you wish to administer a couple of domain names. Moreover, lots of hosting providers respond to tickets after hours, or even once in every 24 hours, and for you as a customer, this simply means wasted time while awaiting a reply.
Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Hosting
In stark contrast to what you may find with lots of other hosting providers, the ticketing system that we’re using with our Linux cloud packages is an indivisible part of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with all hosting accounts. You won’t need to remember different usernames and passwords, as you will be able to manage your tickets and the web hosting account itself in one single place. So, if you have an inquiry or confront a challenge, you can get in touch with our client care team members instantaneously. Our ticketing system offers a clever search option. This suggests that even in case you have submitted multiple tickets over the years, you’ll be able to track down the one that you need without efforts. In addition, you can read knowledge base guidelines for resolving commonly confronted complications.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting
In case you’ve got a semi-dedicated server account with us and you wish to touch base with our client care staff representatives, you will be able to submit a trouble ticket straight from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel instead of going through an entirely different support platform like you’ll have to do with most hosting companies on the marketplace. Our integrated ticketing system will enable you to open a new ticket with no effort and to look through older tickets using a smart search filter. Furthermore, you’ll be able to browse the applicable knowledgebase articles that our system will offer you in accordance with the problem category that you select for your new ticket. You can accomplish all of the abovementioned procedures without signing out of your Hepsia Control Panel at any moment, which implies that if you stumble upon any problem or have a question, you can get in touch with our technicians and solve the specific problem in no more than one hour using one single support platform.