If you intend to use an SSL Certificate for your website, so as to protect the payment and login information which users upload, you'll need a Certificate Signing Request, or CSR. The Request contains all the info for the entity which will use the SSL in an encoded form, for example the exact web address for the site, the Business/Organization name, physical and email address. It should be sent to a service provider, or Certificate Authority, which reviews the submitted info and based on it, issues the SSL certificate. The SSL installation requires four different bits of code - the certificate, the CSR, a unique private key that is generated together with the CSR and the SSL vendor private key. An Internet site that has an SSL installed can be opened with https:// rather than the usual http:// and the info submitted for the CSR will be viewed in standard text format through a web browser.
SSL Certificate Generator in Cloud Hosting
If you host a site in a cloud hosting account ordered through our company and its visitors submit private info, you'll be able to obtain an SSL certificate for it straight through your website hosting Control Panel and with no more than a few clicks. We have an easy-to-operate order wizard, so you just have to select the domain/subdomain and enter the mandatory information for the Certificate Signing Request. You will receive an e-mail to approve your order and shortly after the SSL is issued, it'll be set up automatically by our system, so you won't need to deal with any codes or settings. If you wish to use the services of some other Certificate Authority, you can only acquire a CSR through your Control Panel then copy the code that you need to submit for the SSL. You'll see the private key generated together with the CSR in the same section.
SSL Certificate Generator in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All of our semi-dedicated server accounts come with a Certificate Signing Request generator along with an SSL set up wizard, which means that if you wish to obtain a certificate for any site which you host on our servers, you will be able to do it in no more than a few min. Once you sign in to the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, that is provided with all semi-dedicated accounts, you are able to head to the SSL Certificates section and type in your personal and business data. Our system will generate the CSR, so you will have two different options - if you want to acquire the certificate through us, you can process with the order in the exact same section and our system will install the SSL automatically once it has been issued, or you could save the CSR on your PC and then use it to obtain an SSL via some other seller.