Learn more about Ubuntu. School yourself on how this simple Linux-based OS has taken the open-source computing universe by force. See the reason for its global popularity.
Ubuntu is one of the most widespread Linux releases for desktop computers, however the OS also has a server edition, that has been becoming more popular nowadays. Ubuntu is very quick and supports a variety of hardware components, so it can run on virtually any computer not consuming too much resources. The OS is widely known as pretty dependable and secure, not to mention that due to its popularity, you will find quite a lot of sources online with information about any question or problem that you might have. The Long-Term Support (LTS) versions are supported for at least five years, so you will be able to get security patches without worrying about softwareissues in the long term. Due to the fact that Ubuntu is totally free to use, you are able to customize both its core as well as the thousands of additional software packages which you can download and set up in any way you find fit, devoid of limitations and without having to pay any license fees. In this way, you will acquire a quick, secure and powerful web hosting service and pay just the cost of the server.
Ubuntu in VPS Web Hosting
If you need an Ubuntu-powered hosting server, you're able to choose the 32-bit or the 64-bit release of the OS with each and every
virtual private server plan that we supply and everything is set up within 1 hour, so you can start using the VPS right away. We provide two separate editions since certain programs have certain requirements in order to work effectively. You will be able to manage an Ubuntu-powered VPS in two ways - when you order it with our custom-made Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you'll get an online interface and all the software that is required for your websites will be pre-installed; whereas when you order it devoid of Control Panel, you'll get only the Operating System and the Apache web server software, which means that you'll be able to install additional software through Secure Shell. When you decide to add our Managed Services upgrade either during the signup process or at any later time, our administrators will keep track of your server and will upgrade Ubuntu regularly.
Ubuntu in Dedicated Servers Hosting
You'll be able to acquire Ubuntu with our
dedicated server plans, as we offer 32-bit and 64-bit releases of this Operating System. Thus, you are able to pick the more appropriate of these two, based on the type of apps which you would like to install and run and on the system requirements they have regarding the OS. You'll have root-level access to the server, which gives you full control of the software setting. We will set up only the Apache web server software, so you're able to add whatever else you will need, even when it's not related directly to sites, such as a VOIP server, for example. You'll be able to manage everything using a console, yet if you want, you can also set up a hosting Control Panel, when it is compatible with Ubuntu. When you order our optional Managed Services bundle, we will maintain your Operating System up-to-date on a weekly basis and will make sure that you have the most up-to-date software packages for a reliable and safe server environment.