The management of all hosting-related aspects is carried out using a tool referred to as ‘Control Panel’. There are various brand names that offer more or less features, but typically, they all permit you to administrate site files, to create e mail addresses and databases, to view account usage stats or what amount of traffic your website visitors have generated. You're able to execute these actions using buttons and menus, and you'll feel like you’re managing your own computer. The billing part is usually handled from a different system, which can include domain name registrations as well - if the company provides this sort of services. In some cases, trouble tickets may be opened viaexactly the same system, while in others, this could be done using a different support interface, so you could find yourself employing three user interfaces with a single Internet hosting account.
Multilingual Control Panel in Cloud Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, included with our Linux cloud packages, is not third-party software. It was developed by our experienced developers based on user feedback and the result is an all-in-one software tool, that'll allow you to administrate files and email messages, to renew payments, to register domain names and to open trouble tickets from a single place, so you can forget about going through different systems to do something as basic as obtaining a new domain and hosting it. We have also made detailed instructional videos, that will teach you first-hand how to perform various things in case you haven't used an Internet hosting account before. Many features are accessible via right-click menus and because Hepsia is incredibly intuitive to use, handling your account will be as basic as managing content on your home computer. A lot of themes are available and you could choose a preferred language selecting among Spanish, French, Russian, German, Italian and others. What's more, you may also move the different sections around and arrange them depending on your taste.
Multilingual Control Panel in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated server accounts are managed via the custom-made Hepsia CP, that provides all that you need to control your world-wide web presence from one location. We have created Hepsia after diligently reviewing the feedback we've received throughout the years and therefore, we have made it simple enough to be used by individuals with absolutely no experience, but at the same time, it provides a wide range of advanced functions for more tech-savvy users. Right-click context menus and drag-and-drop upload options are only a few of its positive aspects, but you can do way more. Domain address registrations, plan renewals and trouble tickets are also handled through it, so you'll not need to log in and out of different systems. Hepsia is translated in numerous languages, so if you are not an English speaker, it should take several clicks to switch to German, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, French, Russian or any of the other languages that are available. You can also move the sections around or customize the color scheme based on your preference.