At the time you set up a fresh site, it’s critical to find the best style for it. Through the A Family Thing Website Hosting Online Control Panel it can be done really fast. We have got for you an array of over 800 one–of–a–kind site web templates accessible for completely free. They’re presented with each of our cloud hosting accounts and are fully customizable.

A lot of A Family Thing Website Hosting’s styles are made exclusively for our services and are not obtainable any place else outside of the Control Panel. Which means that the possibilities to discover somebody else employing the same theme just like you are actually reduced.

800+ Bonus Design Templates

Fully customizable. Auto Installation

With A Family Thing Website Hosting, you can find a assortment of over 800 bonus design templates, provided right into the Control Panel. This will certainly save you hours in looking third–party themes web sites to find the perfect template for your web site. You now will get your template straight from the Control Panel.

The bonus design templates are offered with the Quick Web Site Installer and then our Site Generation Application. Each one of these tools works with their own group of templates, so you can have a look at both and decide on the ideal appearance and feel for your site.

Free Website Themes

Bonus App Design Templates

Get bonus design templates for your next web application

If you plan to build a Joomla web site or possibly start a new Wordpress blog, you can find a solution for you. Using our Web Application Installer, you can easily pick a bonus design template when configuring your web site. Our intelligent system will add the theme on your behalf and the second your website goes live, it will highlight the site template you have selected.

The bonus design templates aren’t limited by simply Joomla or WordPress. We also have bonus design templates for Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).

Free App Themes

Bonus Site Builder Design Templates

100+ totally customizable bonus design templates

If you’d like to build your personal site and save on website design, it’s possible to benefit from the Site Generation Application. It’s a theme–centered website constructor that will need zero HTML or CSS knowledge on your part, and is accessible for free of cost with all of our cloud hosting plans.

The tool comes equipped with more than 100 different designs and styles, which you could completely modify to your preference. Since these bonus design templates are made only for the site builder, you can be sure that when you make your site, it’s going to be unique.

Free Site Builder Themes