OpenVZ VPS Hosting Video
See A Family Thing Website Hosting’s OpenVZ VPS Web Hosting Packages demonstration video and discover just how a VPS could possibly be the correct move for your website.
Along with A Family Thing Website Hosting you could get an OpenVZ Virtual Private Server on 3 different continents – America, Europe and Australia. We’ve cautiously selected the data center on every single continent in an effort to supply the finest connection rate possible for your web visitors. Along with both the data center in the US, the data center in AU and also the data center in the UK you can love a 99.9% network uptime guarantee in addition to 24x7 support.
And additionally, for each and every OpenVZ Virtual Private Server you choose both your OS plus your CP. We supply VPS–optimized Operating Systems – CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu. With each of these there is also 100% root access to your server’s command line. We’ve got 3 different control panel possible choices – cPanel ($10/mo), DirectAdmin (free) and our own Online Control Panel (absolutely free). The Web Hosting Control Panel is the solely control panel which can be found with all of the Operating Systems and all of the Virtual Private Servers. It’s likewise an excellent source of numerous powerful tools and free bonuses.